Showing 226 - 250 of 23,243 Results
The Cathedral Church of Worcester, a Description of the Fabric and a Brief History of the Ep... by Strange, Edward Fairbrother ISBN: 9781152125773 List Price: $20.00
Tracts For Missionary Use, Volume 2 by Episcopal Church ISBN: 9781178930184 List Price: $21.75
Address Delivered In The Methodist Episcopal Church In Easton: Before The Temperance Society... by Thomas Hewlings Stockton ISBN: 9781178888058 List Price: $15.75
A History Of The Methodist Episcopal Church, Volume 2 by Nathan Bangs ISBN: 9781178917611 List Price: $36.75
The lineage from apostolic times of the American Catholic church, commonly called the Episco... by Charles Chapman Grafton ISBN: 9781178961188 List Price: $32.75
Methodist Quarterly Review by Church, Methodist Episcopal ISBN: 9781175453808 List Price: $49.75
Life of William Capers, D. D., one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South by William May Wightman ISBN: 9781172906840 List Price: $39.75
The Episcopal Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution by John Parker Lawson ISBN: 9781172886357 List Price: $59.75
A history of the origin and development of the governing conference in Methodism: and especi... by Thomas B. 1841-1925 Neely ISBN: 9781172907557 List Price: $37.75
Journals of general conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States, 17... by William Stevens Perry ISBN: 9781172900398 List Price: $47.75
Select psalms: arranged for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church by John Wesley ISBN: 9781172891603 List Price: $28.75
Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church by Church, Methodist Episcopal ISBN: 9781175474087 List Price: $26.75
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